Navigating Your GSA MAS Contract: Tips for Success

The MAS marketplace is highly competitive. We encourage you to remain ambitious and persistent in your pursuit of federal business. It may take several attempts to refine your strategy for success, but learning from each opportunity will bring you closer to discovering a federal business strategy that fits your organization. By leveraging the resources GSA provides, you can broaden your understanding of the federal marketplace and position your company for long-term success. elow, you’ll find essential tips for marketing your services, finding opportunities under your MAS contract, and locating relevant training sessions.

Marketing and Finding Opportunities

  1. Monitor GSA eBuy: Stay updated with procurement opportunities by regularly checking GSA eBuy.

  2. Update Your GSA Advantage Listing: Ensure your GSA Advantage listing is current and accurate. This platform not only showcases your offerings but also allows you to research competitors and understand market positioning.

  3. Register an Authorized Negotiator: To access GSA eBuy and upload your Contract Price List and catalog to GSA Advantage, an authorized negotiator must register at the Vendor Support Center (VSC).

  4. Utilize the Forecast of Contracting Opportunities Tool: The Acquisition Gateway provides a nationwide dashboard of upcoming federal contracting opportunities, helping you plan and target your efforts effectively.

  5. Research Historical Procurement Data: Focus on customers with a history of procuring products/services in your industry by reviewing data on and using the FAS Schedule Sales Query Plus (SSQ+).

  6. Leverage Buying Trends: Use the latest Buying Trends by Agency and NAICs report to develop a robust federal business strategy.

GSA Training Resources

GSA offers a variety of virtual training resources for vendors, which can be found on the GSA Training and Events page. Here are some recommended training sessions offered multiple times throughout the year:

  1. Finding GSA MAS Contract Opportunities and Marketing Your Contract: This session covers effective marketing strategies to federal, state, and local agencies, along with tools to help you sell successfully to the government. It also provides an overview of Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Quotes (RFQs). Register here.

  2. How Do I Keep My GSA MAS Contract Compliant: This training focuses on maintaining compliance with the MAS contract and understanding the Industrial Operations Analyst (IOA) compliance assessment process. It also explains the roles of the GSA Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO), ACO, and the IOA. Register here.

Contact K&G for any questions and support to make the most out of your MAS Contract.


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