GSA New Mod Type: Close Contract for New Awards

A new modification type, Close Contract for New Awards, is now available in eMod. This mod allows contractors to notify potential and current customers of their MAS contract status for accepting new orders due to the end of the contract period approaching, business issues, or the consolidation of multiple MAS contracts down to one per Phase 3 of MAS Consolidation.What does this mean for you?
  • Streamlined and MAS Consolidation Phase 3 Contract Holders - making sure customers know which contract is your old MAS contract is now easier! You can now submit a modification so your older contracts for which you can no longer accept orders are transparently displayed as “closed” in eLibrary and removed from GSA Advantage! and eBuy to avoid confusion. Note: BPAs will still be active in GSA Advantage! and eBuy.
  • Supply Chain issues can be a real problem in today’s economy. If you can’t keep up with customer demand, talk with your Contracting Officer about options that include permanently closing - or even canceling - your contract. Cancellations can be done at any time in eMod and become effective in 30 days.

If either of the above situations apply to you, submit your modification request today! GSA has updated the Modification Guide to include step by step instructions on the new Close Contract for New Awards modification guidance.Contact K&G with any questions about this modification process!


How To Market Your GSA MAS Contract


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