Getting on the GSA Schedule: What You Need to Know

Are you interested in becoming a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contractor? If so, then this GSA webinar will provide you with a quick orientation on how to start the process. GSA is hosting a webinar on Thursday November 30, 2023 2-3PM EST.The webinar will also discuss:

  • How and why businesses get on the GSA MAS
  • How to find the right Special Item Number(s) for your company
  • The GSA MAS solicitation
  • The roadmap to the paperwork process
  • How to assemble the offer at the GSA eOffer website

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Advanced Notice for MAS Refresh 18 and Upcoming Mass Modification - Updated 11/29/23


Staying Ahead: GSA's Advanced Notice for MAS Refresh 18 and Upcoming Mass Modification