Enhancing Transparency: New TDR Fields & Data Quality Initiatives

In November 2023, the White House announced its governmentwide Better Contracting Initiative (BCI) to ensure the federal government is getting better terms and prices when purchasing goods and services. A key component of the BCI is leveraging data across federal agencies to increase transparency and achieve better buying outcomes.

Through the Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) Pilot Program, GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) has been recognized by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as an agency leader in this effort. To further align with BCI goals and continue our modernization of the MAS Program, FAS is taking action to improve the quality and usage of TDR data enterprise-wide, while leaving the size of the TDR Pilot Program currently unchanged.  FAS is implementing new data validations and contractor feedback mechanisms.

FAS is introducing four new, optional TDR fields in Quarter 3 of FY24. FAS needs these additional fields to achieve further insight into items bought and sold through MAS. The fields will first be rolled out on an optional basis and, after a suitable acclimation period, may later be required as mandatory - depending on initial results and stakeholder feedback. The purpose of these iterative changes are to address data gaps in order to prepare new MAS Special Item Numbers (SINs) for the TDR pilot. FAS will post an advanced notice ahead of the MAS Refresh incorporating the changes.The introduction of new TDR fields and data quality initiatives will help FAS enhance transparency and efficiency in federal procurement. MAS contractors are encouraged to leverage and comment on these enhancements, contributing to a more accurate representation of transactional data. Please keep an eye out for additional communications related to this initiative, including:

  • MAS Office Hours session on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. EST: FAS will deliver a presentation to contractors on its overall TDR data quality maturation strategy. Register to attend.


Required Modification for Joint Ventures Awarded Prior to MAS Refresh 16 (May 2023)


GSA/FAS/ITC - MAS SIN 541519CSP - Market Research